Don’t have the time, resources or expertise to write, film and edit your own YouTube video? Brafton’s full-service creative team is here to help.
Our YouTube marketing services start with a full team of videographers, producers, editors, on-screen talent, voice-over presenters, scriptwriters and graphic designers. Together, they create polished video content for every stage of the sales funnel
At AffiliatedSyndicate, our YouTube marketing services can include video advertising. We can strategize, script, produce and edit your YouTube ad or entire advertising campaign. If you’re looking for banner ads that display in the frame, we can design those, too.
Our digital marketing experts and PPC consultants can then help you manage your YouTube advertising campaigns by refining the target audience for your ad, assisting with the cost-per-view bidding process, choosing the ideal ad format based on your budget and expectations and more.
Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just for blogs. This digital marketing tactic also helps potential viewers find your video content more easily. Essentially, YouTube SEO gets you in front of the right people at the right time.
Of course, ranking well on YouTube is as challenging as it is important. The second largest search engine is used by more than 122 million people daily, consuming more than 1 billion hours of content every day. Make sure some of that content is yours.
If you want to join digital marketing giants like Apple, Disney, Coca-Cola, Microsoft and more, your company needs a YouTube channel.
The truth is that YouTube has a significant role to play in the digital marketing landscape. If you don’t take advantage of this platform, whether because you don’t feel you have the expertise to be a YouTube marketer or aren’t sure what goes into video production, you’ll miss out on a significant portion of your target audience.